Within Books you should setup any Credits, Charges, or Taxes that may be needed when receiving invoices. Once created you will be able to allocate specific GL Accounts to these objects on the GL Account Mappings page. Please keep in mind that if you manage your electronic invoices at Director then you will also manage your Credits, Charges & Taxes within Director Books.
To set up credits, charges, and taxes to be used on invoices navigate to Books > Accounting > Credits, Charges & Taxes from the navigation panel. Click + Add Credit, Charge or Tax.
You can either select "All" to make this tax available for every platform or specify which platform you would like to use the tax for by selecting your platform choice in the drop down menu. Select Type “Tax” and enter a Name. Enter the tax rate (if you know it) in the tax rate field. Depending upon your distribution method, this will apply that tax amount per line item based off the percentage entered.
You can either choose to Calculate Tax based on Tax Mappings or if you want a different method of distribution you can choose "Accounting Object will appear on Invoice Subtotal" which will add the distribute tab at the top of the pop up window.
If you select any distribute option other than not distributed, you will need to choose what type of line items you want the tax to be distributed to: items, charges and/or discounts. This can be selected here in Books if you want the tax to always be assigned to those specific line item types or when using the tax on the specific invoice if you want to choose how the tax is distributed per invoice.
Examples - Sales Tax, City/County/State Liquor Tax, Sugar Tax
Credits & Charges
If you have both Bevager and Foodager select the relevant Platform. For Type choose either “Credit” or “Charge” and enter a Name. If this object should be distributed across lines or appear in the Invoice Subtotal, click the checkbox next to “Accounting Object will appear on Invoice Subtotal”. If the charge/credit should remain as a line on the invoice then pick the relevant Category for either Bev or Food or Both, optionally you can also pick a Subcategory.
When viewing reports the Credit/Charge will be allocated to Categories based on this selection. If the object is either a Keg Deposit or Keg Credit you should select the checkbox next to “Accounting Object will be used by the Keg Tracker” so that your keg numbers can be tracked.
Credits Examples - Keg Returns, Discounts
Charges Examples - Keg Deposit, Delivery Fees, Container Deposit Fee
If you select "Accounting Object will appear on Invoice Subtotal" a new "Distribute" tab will be added to the screen, and on this tab you can select how to distribute the line, or select "Not Distributed" to not distribute the line. You can read a description below each distribution method to decide if it is correct for you. Primarily you want to assess whether or not the distribution should affect the item's CU Price - if you do not want it to affect the CU Price you should select either "Not Distributed" or "Distribute to the Largest Amount", as the other three options will impact the CU Price of the item. For more information on CU Price see the article titled "Understanding CU Price".